Sleep Apnea & Snoring In Kids

Treatment Solutions for the youngsters

Kids can show different signs and symptoms of sleep-related breathing disorders compared to adults.

For example, the Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) threshold for adults to be diagnosed with sleep apnea is five events per hour. For kids, as few as one event per hour is generally a concern and may warrant treatment. In addition, kids can show drastically different signs of sleep disturbances compared to adults. The BEARS questionnaire is a simple, effective screening tool for many sleep disorders.

  • BEARS stands for:
  • B = Bedtime Issues
  • E = Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
  • A = Night Awakenings
  • R = Regularity and Duration of Sleep
  • S = Snoring

Well-rested kids have the right kind of energy

Sleep Apnea Symtoms in Children

During the night, a child with sleep apnea may:

  • Snore loudly and on a regular basis
  • Have pauses, gasps, and snorts and actually stop breathing
  • The snorts or gasps may waken them and disrupt their sleep
  • Be restless or sleep in abnormal positions with their head in unusual positions
  • Sweat heavily during sleep

During the day, a child with sleep apnea may:

  • Have behavioral, school and social problems
  • Be difficult to wake up
  • Have headaches during the day, but especially in the morning
  • Be irritable, agitated, aggressive, and cranky
  • Be so sleepy during the day that they actually fall asleep or daydream
  • Speak with a nasal voice and breathe regularly through the mouth

Excessively sleepy children can present as either lethargic or hyperactive.

Click below to see one family’s struggle to find
answers to sleep apnea.