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Palatal Expanders With TADs


At Feller Orthodontics, we incorporate the latest technologies to help our patients. One of these technologies are expanders for Adults! These are commonly known in the field of Orthodontics as MARPEs.

Maxillary Skeletal Expander (MARPE) is a specialized orthodontic expander with Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs, also known as mini-implants). MARPE’s are designed to address maxillary transverse deficiency, commonly known as a narrow upper jaw. The MARPE expander differs from traditional expanders in that it uses TADs anchored in skeletal bone to facilitate expansion of the maxilla. Below are descriptions of the purpose of MARPE expanders, along with possible treatment benefits, concerns and corresponding solutions.

Purpose of Orthodontic MARPE Expanders


  • Maxillary Expansion: MARPE expanders aim to widen the maxilla by applying controlled, gradual forces to the palatal bones, sutures, and surrounding tissues. This expansion creates additional space in the upper jaw, allowing for proper alignment of the teeth and improving overall dental and facial aesthetics.
  • Skeletal Correction in Non-Growing Patients: Expanders have been used for many years in growing children to correct skeletal disharmonies. Unlike traditional tooth-borne expanders, MARPE devices can facilitate the skeletal expansion of the maxilla, including the midpalatal suture and surrounding bones, in adult and non-growing patients. By addressing the underlying skeletal deficiency, MARPE treatment can lead to more stable and long-lasting results.
  • Facial Harmony: Maxillary transverse deficiency can contribute to facial asymmetry and disharmony, including mandibular asymmetry and chin deviations. MARPE treatment aims to improve the overall facial aesthetics by expanding the maxilla, enhancing the balance and proportion of facial features.
  • Airway Improvement: Maxillary expansion with MARPE can also have positive effects on airway function by increasing the volume of the nasal cavity and improving nasal breathing. This can be particularly beneficial for patients with breathing issues such as sleep apnea or nasal congestion. Although it may be difficult to predict how much of an Airway improvement may result from MARPE treatment, schedule a new patient exam for our providers to discuss treatment for you.

Treatment Benefits of MARPE Expanders


  • Effective Maxillary Expansion: MARPE devices offer effective and controlled expansion of the maxilla, addressing even severe transverse discrepancies (dental crossbites) and achieving desirable treatment outcomes and larger smiles.
  • Stable Results: By targeting the skeletal structures of the maxilla, MARPE treatment can lead to more stable and sustainable results compared to tooth-borne expanders, reducing the risk of relapse over time.
  • Improved Facial Aesthetics: Successful maxillary expansion with MARPE can enhance facial harmony and balance, leading to a more attractive facial profile and smile.
  • Functional Improvements: Expansion of the maxilla can improve dental occlusion, bite function, and airway patency, contributing to better overall oral and systemic health.


Possible Concerns with Corresponding Solutions


Discomfort or Soreness

  • Concern: Patients may experience discomfort or soreness in the palate, teeth, or surrounding tissues during the initial phase of expansion.
  • Solution: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort. Patients should follow any specific instructions provided by their orthodontist for managing pain and soreness.

Tissue Irritation

  • Concern: MARPE expanders may cause irritation or ulceration of the oral mucosa due to contact with the palate or cheeks.
  • Solution: Orthodontic glues can be applied in the office to any sharp or protruding edges of the expander to reduce irritation. Patients should report any persistent irritation or sores to their orthodontist for evaluation and adjustment of the appliance.

Speech Changes

  • Concern: Patients may experience temporary changes in speech or difficulty pronouncing certain sounds due to the presence of the MARPE expander.
  • Solution: Practice speaking slowly and enunciating words clearly to adjust to the appliance. Reading aloud or practicing speech exercises can help improve speech clarity over time.

Compliance Challenges

  • Concern: Compliance with MARPE treatment, including turning the expansion screw as prescribed, may be challenging for some patients.
  • Solution: Provide patients with clear instructions and guidance on how to operate the MARPE expander, including the frequency and technique for turning the expansion screw. Regular follow-up appointments and communication with the orthodontist can help ensure patient compliance and treatment progress.

Risk of Complications

  • Concern: Complications such as screw loosening, appliance breakage, or inadequate expansion may occur during MARPE treatment.
  • Solution: Patients should follow all instructions provided by their orthodontist for care and maintenance of the MARPE expander. Regular monitoring and adjustments by the orthodontist can help detect and address any issues or complications early, minimizing the risk of treatment delays or adverse outcomes.

By addressing these potential concerns proactively and implementing appropriate solutions, Dr. Feller can maximize the effectiveness and safety of MARPE treatment in achieving desirable maxillary expansion and overall treatment outcomes. Regular communication between Dr. Feller and you is essential for monitoring progress, addressing any concerns, and ensuring a successful treatment experience.